Frankowski Pictures is the feature work of Derek Frankowski, an experienced visual storyteller that uses the camera to explore his environments.
Often working with natural light and locations, he’s able to find a perspective that connects emotionally to the viewer.
He’s learned the craft of the moving picture to tell a story and he’s able to recognize a photographic moment.

Derek’s career started In the late 90's as a photographer in the action sports industry. Spending over a decade in the genre he became a prolific photographer in the bike world and travelled the globe on editorial and commercial projects.
That path eventually lead to him to co-creating the feature documentary Life Cycles in 2010. A film that has been credited with changing the landscape of sports films and what some still consider the bench mark for the genre.

Since then he has collaborated globally on Ad Campaigns and Award winning Documentaries. From the launch of Panavision's first digital camera to shaping the Vancouver Canucks visual fingerprint.
He’s received awards around the world for photography and cinematography with most not worthy an Emmy in Cinematography for his work on Planet Earth 2.

He is a part of three creative collectives that all embrace a different perspective and focus.

Frankowski Pictures offers full cinema production services and is pursued by agencies, production companies and clients direct.